Hi, I am Bernard Laughlin


a picture of Bernard


Front End / iOS

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Swift


Python, Django, AWS, SQL, Git

Data Science

Matplotlib, Pandas, NumPy, R, ggplot2

My Work

A little bit about me

Builder, Problem Solver, Life Long Learner

I'm a self taught software developer, who is interested in the intersection of technology and health. In my past life I use to be a physician scientist.



A selection of my range of work

Djago JavaScript SQL Python

An online gratitude social network/journal. To view live site login with username guest and password thanks.

JavaScript Game Finite State Machine
Flappy Owl

My version of the flappy bird game, inspired by CS50 game. Game is best played on Chrome.

React Firebase Styled Components
Netflix Clone

A clone of netflix with user authentication through firebase.

JavaScript AI Minimax
Tic-Tac-Toe AI

This is an impossible to win version of tic-tac-toe. Minimax algorithm is implemented as AI to insure X never wins.

TensorFlow Neural Network JavaScript
Digit Classification

This app classifies the number drawn on the screen. A convolutional neural network was trained on the MNIST dataset with TensorFlow.

Swift iOS AppStore Navigation
Birch Hill App

Navigation app for the Birch Hill recreation area, uses GPS to determine trail you are currently on. Also, a disc golf score keeper.